We are pleased to announce the prestigious Scholarship Program for the Online Diploma in Engineering Psychology offered by Parenting Absolute Institute. This scholarship initiative aims to support talented individuals in pursuing advanced education and professional development in the dynamic field of Engineering Psychology.
The scholarship program offers a limited number of scholarships to meritorious students covering upto (a maximum of) 30% tuition fee for the Online Diploma in Engineering Psychology.
Eligible candidates will be selected based on their exceptional performance in the scholarship examination, which will assess their knowledge and skills.
Students scoring grades A, B & C in the scholarship examination shall be awarded with a cover of 30%, 20%, & 10% of the total tution fee respectively.
The examination shall be conducted for a maximum score of 250 (Two Hundred & Fifty) marks only.
Applications for the examination shall be open until Saturday, midnight IST, every week.
The examination shall be for a total duration of 90 (Ninety) minutes only.
The examination section shall be opened for a total duration of 24 (Twenty Four) hours, during which, applicants may login and take the exam.
The examination shall be conducted between July 6, 2024 and August 31, 2024, every week, from Saturday, 8pm IST to Sunday, 8pm.
The provision of E-Hall Tickets for viewing the Hall Ticket ID and password for logging into the examination is made available for a window of 24 (Twenty Four) hours between Saturday, 8pm IST to Sunday, 8pm IST, during which, applicants may login and appear for the examination at any time.
[For viewing examination dates, please download the issued circular document provided below.]
Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications through the examination console available on the university website (https://www.parentingabsolute.com/institute/exam-console).
Navigate to the exam registration section (placed in the sidebar).
Complete the application form, selecting scholarship as the registered examination.
View the generated E-hall ticket on Saturday to login to the examination.
We encourage all eligible candidates to seize this opportunity and embark on a transformative learning experience with Parenting Absolute Institute.
For inquiries and further information, please contact the Office at (support@parentingabsolute.com).
Head of Academics